
ReiMyo Tierelinckx - Rinzai Zen Master

Rei Myo Tierelinckx was born in Belgium (1943). From 1964 on she lived and studied at the University of Tel Aviv and the Sorbonne at Paris. She obtained in Paris her Ph. D. in comparative literature with a thesis on Marguerite Yourcenar in 1978. She resides in Germany. She meets in Germany her Japanese Zen master Oi Saidan Roshi (1985). He trained her in Koan, first in Germany, then from 1987 on exclusively in Japan. The Tokudo Ceremony and her Zen monastic formation (1991-1999) was in the Hokoji Monastery near Hamamatsu where Oi Sadan Roshi is the Chief Abbot. In 2006 she received his "Inka Shomei", confirming her as a Zen Master. In the 1990s she directed sesshin (Zen retreat) in Belgium, Switzerland, and Germany. From 2001 on she teaches the Buddhist philosophy by means of Mahayana Sutras (see her seminars at the University of Dortmund/Germany and from 2013 on at "Voies de l'Orient" in Brussels/Belgium.

Moreover, she is engaged in the Buddhist-Christian dialogue in several communities and monasteries in Belgium, Germany, and India.

 Her autobiography appeared in French
 under the title

"L'irresistible poussée de l'ailleurs"
 (roughly, "The irresistible surge of elsewhere")

 Les éditions namuroises, Namur/Belgium,

 (See her publications).

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L'irrésistible pousée de l'ailleurs